In late 2019, Matt Gordon was giving a talk about new technology for reducing methane pollution at the Berkeley Witnesses of Climatology. At this meeting, a question was posed: How do we get the tech sector more invested in climate technology? CTAN was formed in the spirit of seeing the transformative power of technology harnessed for its greatest potential in fighting the most important war of our lifetimes: the Climate Crisis.


Matthew Gordon, Ph.D. Executive Director

Matthew Gordon received his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In addition to his work with CTAN, he works on carbon neutrality and batteries at Toyota Research Institute.

Madhur Boloor, Ph.D. Board Member

Madhur is a materials scientist and engineer exploring the intersection between clean energy technology, policy, and investment. With experience in energy policy and EV technology, Madhur currently manages Toyota's Carbon Neutral Program.

Siobhan Passmore Marketing and Communications

Siobhan most of CTAN’s day to day operations. She studied commercial law at the University of Witwaterstrand.